Getting Back in the Zone – Group Fitness

Recently, I finally returned to an element I had been missing out on for over two years – group fitness! I hadn’t done an in-person fitness class since before the pandemic and boy did it feel good! I chose to do a Zumba class – which is a Latin-inspired cardio dance class that often involves musical genres such as reggaeton, salsa, and pop music. It was my first time ever doing Zumba and it was a lot of fun. The instructor was awesome. She was really upbeat and motivating. When she asked who was new to the class, I sheepishly put my hand up and she gave me a friendly smile and gave me some quick pointers on how to make it easier to pick up the choreography – which wasn’t too difficult at all in the end. Plus you end up following other people around you as well, so that also helps.

For me, there is usually a point during group classes when I’m in the zone. Just laser-focused and at the height of my endorphin high. It’s the best feeling. And although I had to stop for more water breaks than I normally would because it was my first time back in the groove after so long, I didn’t realize how much I missed that feeling!

Another amazing thing about group exercise is being able to interact with other members of the class. You share that positive, like-minded mentality and the vibe is all-around positive and uplifting. Before this particular class started, when everyone was just gathering inside the studio and finding their spot, a nice lady came up and started chatting with me about the class. It had been her third week and I guess she noticed I was new and just wanted to say hello. I missed that pre-workout banter. It kind of set the tone for the class. And aside from the motivation to stay active, the personal interactions become a driving factor to keep coming back.

Having said that, I’ve signed up for another class soon because consistency is key. We know the pandemic through a wrench into pretty much everything, so it was important for me to stay focused on re-integrating this aspect of group exercise back into my lifestyle. You never want to start something and then let too much time lapse in between – otherwise you risk falling off track again.

If you’ve been wanting to get back into a communal exercise regime yourself, I encourage you to start now. Let the warm weather be a motivating factor to get out and get active. Don’t sit on the idea any longer. (No pun intended).

You will thank yourself later.

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